Alert to Nonprofit Executives: It Takes Money to Make Money

A couple of years ago, I wrote an article an article, which addressed the need for nonprofit organizations to invest in their people and operations. During the last few...

Please, Don’t Start a Nonprofit

As I write this, I'm about to begin writing a new book in collaboration with a partner that's been a nonprofit leader in the fundraising and donor management space...

Crowdfunding Tips For Non-Profits

Here are a few things to keep in mind for your crowdfunded campaignsDon't be over optimistic- It's easy to get overwhelmed with the level of exposure that the power...

How to Use Social Listening for Your Nonprofit Brand

By now, you're steeped in social media, which is an essential ingredient of your digital marketing for your nonprofit. But as with everything in life, you have to get...

Nonprofit, Civic and Church Leaders Can Help Us Heal

"If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change. As a man changes his own nature, so does the attitude of the world change towards...

How YOUR Nonprofit Can Master Visual Storytelling

According to ISPO News, we make approximately 10,000 decisions a day, and "products that evoke emotions always win." Humans base 90 percent of their decisions on emotion, which when...

Nonprofit Pro’s Peer to Peer Conference

One of the leading nonprofit resources is Nonprofit Pro. One of the reasons my team and I like them so much is because they provide organizations real, relevant and...

Your Nonprofit Must Use Snapchat to Target Young Audiences

Facebook may be the king of social media, but it's not the one that people under the age of 30 turn to when they use social networking sites. The...

Capacity Building for Nonprofits: Needs in the Rural States

Nonprofit capacity building in the U.S. has emerged from its initial forays into training and technical assistance by Management Support Organizations in the late 1970s and early 1980s into...

Where to Find Start-Up Nonprofit Money

A few days ago I read a post about a small community nonprofit organization that was seeking advice on how to get funding. Creating a nonprofit is tough, and...

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